Amp Bed Step

Do you own a Chevy, Dodge or Nissan truck? Have we got a truck step for you. Do you drive a Mitsubishi, Mazda or Generl Motors heavy duty pickup truck? We've got a great step for you, too. There is not a high profile vehicle made for which we cannot provide an AMP bed step. If you want easy access to your cargo area, you need a step up from AMP Research. The AMP bed step is made of aircraft quality aluminum and is built to last. Once installed, the bed step will look as if it was original equipment that came with your truck right out of the factory. If you drive an old work horse of a truck, your new step may even look better than your vehicle. If you drive a fancy Cadillac Escalade SUV, an AMP Research Power Step will look as stylish as the rest of your gorgeous vehicle. If you drive a Hummer, your new AMP bed step will look like it always belonged on it.

If you are handy with a few basic tools, you may be able to install your truck step by yourself. Of course, we provide easy-to-follow installation instructions with every AMP Research truck step we sell. If you would care to review the installation instructions before purchasing a truck step, you will find a downloadable PDF guide elsewhere on this website. If you have any questions about anything we sell on this website, please call 323.276.2999 right now.


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