Amp Research Moto X-Tender

If you like to take your motorcycle out to remote locations, you're better off getting there in a truck. If your bike is not street legal, or if it's simply to far to ride, install an AMP Research Moto X-Tender. Your short bed truck will have enough cargo space for your trusty motorbike.

Spending your day with the Moto X-Tender

Spending a day off-roading or zooming around a motocross track can be fabulous fun. It's getting your bike to and from out-of-the-way locations that's the problem. If you don't have the cargo space to haul your motorcycle, you're going to have a heck of a time getting where you want to go. Most off-road bikes are not street legal, so what in the world can you do? First thing is check this website to view and read about the AMP Research Moto X-Tender. This handy, heavy duty truck accessory adds valuable cargo space to the rear of your truck bed. Made of lightweight yet highly strong and durable aircraft quality aluminum, the AMP Research Moto X-Tender is designed and manufactured to survive many years of hard use. Don't drive your truck with the tailgate down unless you have a bed extender from AMP Research in place.

Of course, the AMP Research Moto X-Tender provides more than cargo space for an off-road motorcycle. The additional bed space offered by the Moto X-Tender may be utilized to haul all sorts of large loads. When the extender is flipped back into the truck bed, it can carefully corral smaller items that might otherwise roll around the bed of a truck in motion. We are proud to be an authorized dealer of AMP Research truck and van accessories. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay apprised of special deals here at ElectricStep. Have any questions or comments? Please call 323.276.2999.


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