Amp Research Running Boards

Running boards used to be standard equipment on American trucks. This is not always the case, anymore. If your tall truck or van did not come with factory boards, please browse our assortment of AMP Research running boards. We stock and sell great boards for virtually every make and model of American truck.

When you buy and install AMP Research running boards, they look as if they always belonged on your truck. This holds true whether your truck is American-made or overseas origin. AMP makes electric running boards that fit every make and model of truck from Jeep to Cadillac. Of course, they also manufacture AMP Research running boards for Nissan, Toyota, Volvo, Chevrolet, Ford and every other type of truck you can name. Every truck driver is bound to appreciate how an automatic, deployable running board can make their life a little easier. Getting up into a high truck cab can be bit of a chore, especially if you're in and out of your vehicle all day. AMP electric running boards are a worthwhile accessory, and one that is a heck of a lot more practical than foam dice to hang from your rear view mirror.

We are ElectricStep, and we are all about high quality, American-made truck and van accessories. We are proud to be an authorized in-stock AMP dealer. AMP Research has been designing and manufacturing high quality truck accessories for years, and their name is well respected in the world of trucks. Once your AMP Research running boards are installed on your high-profile vehicle, getting up into and down out of your truck, bus or van will be easier than ever before. All you do is open the door, and your automatic truck steps quietly move into the perfect position. Have questions about installing or using your new boards? Our number during west coast business hours is 323.276.2999.


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