Automatic Truck Steps

Is getting up into and down out of your high profile vehicle becoming a chore? You should see our splendid selection of automatic truck steps made by AMP Research. PowerSteps look great and they really will make your life a whole lot easier and more convenient. Ordering online is encrypted and secure.

Think about it. After you've been working on a construction site all day long, it can be hard to haul your tired self up into your high profile truck cab. Imagine how much simpler life would be, if you had a set of automatic truck steps. All you'd have to do is open the door, and your truck steps would quietly move into position. When AMP Research was designing the automatic truck steps, they took great care to make certain the truck steps deploy at precisely the correct position for a human of average height. When you use your AMP Research truck steps, getting into your truck after a long day of work will be easier and more comfortable.

In addition to AMP automatic truck steps, AMP also manufactures a fine line of other quality truck accessories. Check out the Research Bed X-Tender, which allows you to gain more useable cargo space. When not in use, the Research Bed X-Tender flips into the truck bed, where it remains out of the way until the next time it's needed. Browse our online catalog to see our remarkable range of AMP power running boards and other well made AMP Research truck accessories. Installation is a relatively easy task and requires no special tools or skills. Install an optional LED light kit, and your board step will be illuminated with four powerful LED lights every time the door is opened or shut. Once you start using PowerSteps, you may wonder how you ever got into and out of your truck cab without them.


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