AMP Schematics


Revealing the key parts of something, normally in the shape of a simple drawing or diagram, is what "schematics” is all about. For example, a building engineer refers to the second stage of a building plan as the schematic design stage. It comes following the pre-design stage, at the time when an engineer, architect, or other planning person, develop a written or illustrative description of a construction project. During the pre-design stage, skilled individuals experienced in the particulars of schematics, must obtain the legal authority to determine estimated construction expenses and develop construction time lines. Basically, a schematic illustration is especially inductive of an electric or electric circuit; therefore, comprehending how to read and follow schematics is a vital skill for any electronic engineer and a valuable asset for companies like AMP Research.

Nonetheless,when you combine a company like AMP Research with schematics, it generates from the innovative ideas and particulars that goes into constructing such successful devices like Running Boards and BedSteps. In addition, the founder of AMP Research Horst Leitner invented the "Horst Link, which required schematics in order to create a perfect product.

The unique bicycle suspension attributed to Leitner is a system designed to protect the rider from the coarseness of terrains. Bicycle suspension is utilized mostly on mountain bikes; however, it can also be found on hybrid bicycles.

The "Horst Link” suspension is a form of four-bar linkage suspension. It is differentiated by having both adjoining links turn on the seat tube with the lower-turn positioned over the middle of the lower bracket, and the rear-axle being situated higher than the pivot linking the floating link and lower connecting link.

Specialized purchased a few of Leitner’s patents that they then utilized for their "FSR Suspension.” However, several manufacturers are accredited with using the design from Specialized. Nonetheless, the "Horst Link” suspension’s patent has expired, according to followers, and even before the patent expiration, many designs similar to the "Horst Link” had enough differentiations to avoid patent infringement.

Just the same, the above illustration is a minor configuration of a schematic diagram. However, this is a completed image of the product, whereas the step-by-step details leading to the manifestation of the products are part of schematics and a very big part of the AMP Research company who specializes in automotive accessories.


The story of AMP Research is a unique one. It begins with the hard work of its founder Horst Leitner. The company is now a division of Lund International and headquartered in Tustin California. In this part of California is where company engineers create and manufacture the AMP Research automotive accessories such as Running Boards and BedSteps.

However,all the automotive parts of the AMP Research compilation are not specifically created and produced in the U.S. AMP Research also utilizes neighboring California headquartered suppliers for parts and services not performed in-house, apart from the electric motors, which are solicited from a company in Germany.

Due to the innovative ideas of AMP Research, schematics play a huge role from concept to fruition. The company observes the workings of excellence and artistic genuineness combined with technological pragmatism. From the humble beginnings of the Horst-Link suspension, which took mountain biking to a whole new level and gave Leitner his break, monetary means, and boldness to launch AMP Research.

Configuring pioneering automotive accessories and establishing one of the most popular mountain bikes in the world was just a segment of the road to success for AMP Research. Due to the complexities of each of the company’s ground-breaking designs, schematics play a crucial role, and because of that and an eye for detail and perfection, AMP Research is still a leader in automotive accessories today.


One of the main reasons for a company to incorporate schematics is to make the electronics of a product, which is very important to the AMP Research team. The ability to observe an illustration and perceive the overall ideal of what its purpose and how it should function, takes an acquired skill. However, the other important reason is that a company actually wants to build something that works; therefore, every detail must be conceived and made tangible in order to manufacture the product. The key is to turn a schematic from an abstract presentation to a tangible working product.

Fortunately,schematics are not so abstract. Actually, in many instances, one could present the physical components in an organized manner pretty much the way schematics would demonstrate the actual product; then again, this might lead to additional errors and expense, as the actual physical product is brought about via trial-and-error and producing the actual part requires financial costs.


The reason for the "schematic design stage” is to create a plan of action indicating how a product would look, like in the case of AMP Research. This will have much to do with the company’s budget and specific design needs. The engineer, or whoever manages the details of the concept of the product, will prepare a schematic that reveal an overall model of how the product will look and function.

The schematic design stage is probably the most time a company will spend on finalizing their product. At this phase, a company may have frequent meetings in order to keep up-to-the-minute on work and direction. During this time, drawings are presented that describe design intricacies in accordance with the company’s budget.

Besides drawings, models must be all set to envision the product. Once the schematic design is approved, the product moves onto the next stage, which is the actual production of the product.


During the development stage, the engineer increases the schematic design by making it more thorough. Components meant to move and adapt are shown in their proper size. A list of materials and other parts required to develop the product is emphasized. The engineer verifies that the design complies with the quality and standards that AMP Research is used to offering their customers, and the product is then brought together by the entire team. Once the model is completely developed and approved, the next stage begins.


After the design of the product is approved, the engineer prepares detailed working drawings or "blueprints” and specifications, which can be used to determine the actual cost of producing the product.


After production paperwork is completed, the production begins. Since AMP Research does their own production, there’s no need to have contractors bid on projects.


A well put together schematic makes it easier to comprehend how a product is supposed to function, and helps with spotting any kinks that should be corrected. By keeping a few rules and proposals in mind, a well-drawn schematic requires no more time than a bad one. The rules that companies, like AMP Research, and others must adhere to when creating a superbly constructed schematic and things a company should avoid are:

Schematics should be clear. All details, such as the parts of the product, should be explicitly labeled to deter misunderstanding.A schematic that is well designed makes all functions of the product clear. As a result, functional or areas with "moving parts” should be kept distinct.

There are straightforward ways to illustrate functional parts of a product that will not confuse whoever is viewing the schematic. The functionality and all the product’s working parts are concise and distinct.


Schematics assist users with visualizing the complete unit or product. However, the term schematics can be used in relation to a number of projects not only those dealing with electrical circuits. Frequently, when viewing reports and printouts, it is perplexing to comprehend how everything fits together. By using a schematic, one can construct a mental picture of how the product is supposed to work.

With an easy to understand diagram, it is not as difficult to explain how a product is put together. When a company is putting together a new product, schematics can help them get things going faster because they can actually "see” the end product at a certain phase, which eventually will lead to the production of the final creation. In the same way, when a product must be explained to a team and how it is supposed to function, it is much easier to do with a schematic.

A schematic is crucial for clarification. How is a company supposed to know what a product requires in order to function properly? Is the product designed to function the same as previous products that are similar? These are tricky questions to answer without a schematic.


In order to produce quality and cost-effective products, a company like AMP Research must have a clear idea of the product they want to produce, and must be put forth in order to determine what it requires to function properly. It would be foolish to design a product without first having a clear idea of how it will function and serve consumers.

AMP Research refines the mechanics and appearance of their products via a detailed process. The many products created and produced by the company are well thought out, which makes them a winner in the automotive industry. Here are products created by AMP Research that were more than likely initially conceived by way of schematics in order to bring the unit to a tangible result.

AMP Research BedXTender

The AMP Research BedXTender is designed for heavy-duty trucks, created from glass and tubular aluminum casehardened resin-connectors that extend the cargo area of truck beds, which makes them more adaptable and practical. Truck owners can effortlessly use the bed space of their truck with the tailgate opened, while the BedXTender make certain that objects are not strewn around. What is more, the BedXTender can be pushed forward and changed into another functional and practical apparatus. AMP Research presented the MotoXTender in 2009. The MotoXTender includes an exclusive design that allows additional space in compact pickups for ATVs, motorcycles, and other long cargo.

>AMP Research PowerStep Deployable Running Boards

The AMP Research PowerStep provides a superbly functional running board that functions as a retractable step and developed with a patented, aerodynamically designed linkage and electric motor (which would be very important when it comes to schematics). The PowerStep elongates when the driver’s or passenger’s door is opened and retracts when the door is closed. Over 30,000 PowerSteps have been obtained by loyal customers through the line-fitted OEM parts under the AMP Research brand and multi-step distribution in the automotive trade.

AMP Research BedXTender HD

AMP Research introduced the freshly designed BedXTender HD in 2011. The unit was uniquely created with an improved tailgate extender and cargo-holder. The innovative BedXTender is the most hardy, heavy-duty design on the market to date. The newer model incorporates ground-breaking torque resistant composite uprights and rounded rectangle tubes.

>AMP Research BedStep/BedStep 2

AMP Research developed a way to make it simpler for heavy-duty vehicle owners to have access to their truck’s bed. The BedStep is an exclusive designed device with retractable steps for trucks that attach to the bumper chassis at the back-corner of the truck. The BedStep can be extended with the tap of the foot, which simplifies the process of climbing up and down the pickup bed. Effortlessly, the AMP Research BedStep withdraws after use.


Obviously,schematics play an important role in the development of certain products, especially products with electric circuits; however, a schematic is crucial to any product before it is sold. Knowing how a product is supposed to function and trying to sell it to investors, the boss, colleagues or whoever, requires convincing. It goes to show the perfection and expediency that goes into AMP Research products. The final product comes from much planning and visualization and schematics saves a company like AMP Research, time and money. It’s worthwhile in order for a company to stay on top of their industry and to offer consumers a well functioning product.


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